Whistleblower policy

Our Whistleblower Policy

Sterisol is a responsible company whose operations are based on ethical business practices, credibility and high integrity along the entire value chain.

It is very important to us that any malfunctions on Sterisol come to our attention as soon as possible. When we can start investigating a problem at an early stage, our ability to prevent harm to the company, our employees, other stakeholders, the environment and, by extension, society as a whole, is much better.

We would therefore like anyone who suspects violations of any law, regulation or code of ethics at Sterisol to report this via our whistleblower solution.

To ensure that you feel safe when submitting your report, the Gepe group has chosen to use Whistlelink, a secure whistleblower solution, to receive and manage reports. Your anonymity is guaranteed in all your communications with us thanks to the fact that we hire an external party.

To learn more about our whistleblower channel or submit a report, click this link gepeholdingag.whistlelink.com.