8 tips when choosing a dispenser solution for soap and hand sanitizer

Choosing solution for hygiene and skin care products can be a pure jungle. With these simple tips you will find the right one, and can make smart choices that suit your particular business.

8 tips when choosing a dispenser solution for soap and hand sanitizer

1. Why use dispenser solutions for soap and hand sanitizer?

There are many good reasons even if your business is small. Among other things, your surfaces will be much easier to clean and can be kept fresh longer without bottles. In public activities, it is also important to reduce the risk of theft. Another good reason is that you can reduce both plastic consumption and product waste by choosing a dispenser solution. With the Sterisol System you can minimize your plastic consumption by about 80% compared to using a bottle with a pump. Read more here!

2. What does your business look like?

Do you have areas in your business where you work with production, hygiene safety or in offices? Make a list of your needs, and don't be afraid to ask too much, it will help both you and us as a supplier to find the right products for you. Sterisol has several specialized ranges for different industries, so you should always be able to find the solution that suits you best.

3. How much do you consume hygiene and skin care products?

Here it is useful to consider how many employees and possible visitors move around the premises. It's also good to think about how big your spaces are. If you currently feel that you have to change refills very often, it will probably pay to go up a size in dispensers. If, on the contrary, you feel that the products have time to get old before they are replaced, it may be a good idea to look at a system with a smaller volume. The skin care products from Sterisol System are available in sizes from 375ml to 5l.

4.Dispenser system for your needs

Choose the dispenser system that best suits your maintenance needs. Is it the staff themselves who change the refiller when you see that it starts to run out, or do you have cleaning staff? Regardless, time equals money, and by choosing a system where you can see if the product is out of stock without opening the dispenser, you can save a lot of time. Most dispensers in the Sterisol System have transparent fronts, allowing you to see from afar if a refill needs to be replaced. If you do not have a public environment and risk of theft, there is also no need to choose lockable dispensers, it can save a lot of time of key management.

5.Supplement with the skin cream

Once you know what your specific needs look like, it's good to think about the types of products you should be looking for to meet them. Are there areas of your business where you are exposed to dirt, need to wash your hands or use hand sanitizer very often? Then it is important to provide skin cream to reduce the risk of skin irritations and eczema. Not many people know about it, but the skin cream is also important from a hygiene point of view; viruses and bacteria spread more easily if the skin is dry and has cracks. Therefore, a dispenser solution where you can choose to put in skin cream refills is an investment in the working environment.

6. Think about the environment and sustainability!

Far from all companies know that this is something that can be earned. By choosing a dispenser system that consumes less plastic than the bottles/dispensers you have today, you can minimize consumption by several kilos/year if you have a large business. You can also lose both weight and volume when it comes to plastic waste. With the Sterisol System, plastic consumption can be reduced by about 80% compared to bottles with a pump. And thanks to the high discharge rate of 99% in the Sterisol System, product waste can be significantly reduced. Read more here!

7th. How much space do the products take up in your warehouse and in the cleaning cupboards?

Several of the hygiene and skincare suppliers have calculated the amount of packaging material their products contain per litre of pure product. The smaller the packaging material, the easier the products will be to transport and store. If your company orders per pallet, you can also count how many units or litres of product it can place/pallet. As a buyer, it's a nice figure to be able to present!

8. Do a single calculation

Do the full calculation and see how much you can save overall! By paying 1kr more per hygiene product, you may be able to reduce your costs for handling plastic waste, maintenance and cleaning time, and sick leave by a total of 3kr.

8 tips when choosing a dispenser solution for soap and hand sanitizer